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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Election Day Story (PPNS)

Laura Schisler, 59, of Moon Township, has been outside of the Moon Area Middle School representing Republican Nominee for State Representative Mark Mustio.  Schisler, who has been laboring outside of polling places since 1997, believes in getting to know voters personally, so as to have a more captivating influence on their opinion.

On April 24, 2012, Moon Township's polling place for the primary elections appeared to have more signs than voters.  Of the 1500 to 1600 voters registered in the Moon 7 precinct, only 180 are estimated to have voted thus far.

Religion Story (PPNS)

The Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community is a church that resides in the South Side neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA.  Aside from practicing religion, they also employ various programs to help better the community such as:  free lunches after worship, 12 step program meetings, Red Cross blood drives, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and bagging and delivering lunches to the homeless.

Staff members begin planning lunches for the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community's weekly delivery of bagged lunches to the homeless.  Volunteers are always welcome, and anyone interested in volunteering can sign up at or can make donations to the church at

Original Oyster House (PPNS)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spot News: Occupy Pittsburgh

On Feb. 6, 2012, protestors for Occupy Pittsburgh were served with a notice to evict the premises of the Mellon green area.  Protestors originally claimed the area on Oct. 15, 2011, and renamed the space "The People's Park" on Dec. 10, 2011.

According to their website, by claiming the Mellon green, Occupy Pittsburgh has established itself as "the only Occupation to claim land from a bank."  They have continued nonviolently defending this area since Oct. 15.

The Occupy Movement employs a strategy called Tatical Nonviolence.  Through this strategy, they hope to open a dialogue about the issues at hand rather than allow them to be overlooked due to violence.

Occupy Pittsburgh has claimed The People's Park in order to use it as a place to hold public dialogue and practice direct democracy.  By doing this, they strive to create and employ resolutions that will be obtainable for everyone.

The Occupy Movement seeks to unite America's 99%.  By creating an environment that is safe and welcoming to all people, they hope to bring together all minorities in order to fight the oppression that is being brought against them.

In order to promote solidarity, the Occupy Movement has set out to work towards eliminating various systems of oppression within the United States.  To do this, they welcome all people to voice their thoughts and opinions, so as to create an inclusive atmosphere for ideas.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Deadline Assignment

When it comes to an assignment like this, I always find it hard for me to approach people on the fly and ask to photograph them (probably because I wouldn't be very obliging myself).  But with this assignment, I utilized my resources and used networking to gain access to a subject that I felt comfortable with and that was eager to work with me.

Sarah George, of Pittsburgh, PA, is the Director of Commuter Affairs at Point Park University.  As such, her job is to plan and promote campus events and programs for commuter students.

Sarah George works diligently as she coordinates schedules for a meeting of the 2012 Point Park University Pioneer Experience staff.  The Pioneer Experience is a summer orientation program for new students.

Sarah George signs documents pertaining to expenses for the Pioneer Experience.  Each year, this summer orientation program is given a budget to plan events for new students during the program.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Experimental Black and White Photography Project

For this project, I decided to focus on alternative ways to process that would manipulate my film in a unique way.  I shot several rolls of Kodak 125PX film and tried three processing techniques.  For the first roll, I developed with a 1:1 of D76 and orange juice, and washed the film with mango juice.  The result of this was virtually perfectly developed film, which was great, but not what I was looking for.  The second roll was developed with a 1:1 of D76 and salted milk, and washed with salted milk.  The result, again, was well developed film.  My last roll of film was developed in a mix of D76, rubbing alcohol, and Clorox bleach.  The resulting chemical reaction created a noticeable amount of heat, so I reduced my developing time because I was worried that I would risk over-developing it if I went longer.  When I poured out this developing solution, I noticed a fair amount of brown runoff and thought that I had eradicated the emulsion from my film.  Proceeded to rinse, fix, and wash the film as usual; and when I finally got a look at it, I saw that the film was thick and opaque.  It was then that I decided to try dunking the film in the Clorox to see how that would affect the film.  I left the film in the bleach for a few seconds, until I noticed the bleach was starting to change colors.  I took the film out and saw that the emulsion had begun to bleed and separate from the film, and would rub off if I touched the film.  I rinsed it off and got a look at what the film looked like and decided that I liked the fogging effect that had been caused by the bleeding and my smudging of the emulsion (this is best shown by the larger abstract image, which is two frames side by side). This effect reminded me of a daguerreotype, so I proceeded with an idea of trying to replicate the aesthetic of looking at an old photograph with my film.  I kept the film in a container full of gravel for a week, so as to further age and appropriately damage the film (which resulted in the blemishes and scratches you’re seeing). 

I’m surprisingly pleased with the overall aesthetic of my images and am eager to continue producing new images of different subjects while using this method of processing.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Taylor Knight

I've recently started getting back into doing head shots for people.  These images are of my good friend, Taylor Knight, who is a senior Dance Major at Point Park University.   Taylor was an excellent client and enjoyable to work with, and I hope to continue working with him again in the future.  Aside from being a gifted dancer, Taylor has begun branching out into music and video.  You can see samples of his work on his YouTube channel and keep updated on his upcoming projects and performances via Twitter.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2012

Old work, new post.

Hey, it's been a while.  This past semester has been crazy busy, but now that things have calmed down a bit, I'm going to try to get back into posting more.  Anyway, here are some composites I made for one of my classes last semester.  I attempted to use a sort of surrealistic approach to examine the idea of portals in every day objects and repurposed my abstract water images to act as the "mysterious beyond" in each portal.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2012