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Friday, September 16, 2011

Senior Thesis

So, for those of you that don't know, I am a senior in college this year; which means that I have to do a senior thesis project for this year as part of my required courses.  Today, I did a test shoot for my thesis (below), and tomorrow begins the full blown experience.  Here's the basic idea of what my thesis entails:

"For my thesis project I wanted to do sort of social commentary series on how a person's environment (social, religious, political, cultural, etc.) affects their body image. It would be a series of diptychs (two images paired together) where each model would be photographed two different ways. The first would be the model in their everyday clothing, just like whatever they would wear on a normal day. And then the partner piece to that would be the model wearing an amount of clothing representative of how comfortable they are with their body. It would be kind of like an "on a scale of 1 to 10" thing; where 1 would be completely uncomfortable with their body and wearing as much clothing as possible, and 10 would be completely comfortable with their body and wearing as little as possible to nothing at all (if the model feels comfortable doing that). 

I also want to interview my models and just ask them a series of questions about what elements of their environment have shaped their body image and in what ways and degrees. The interviews would then be used for exhibition to couple with the images."

I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm excited to see how everything turns out.  Feel free to comment and give me some feedback!

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ryann and Baby Jax

As promised, here are some more photos from my shoot with Jax.  These shots are of Jax and his mother (my cousin), Ryann.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Jackson and Charles

Hello all!  Sorry I haven't posted in a few months.  I'll admit, I've been slacking like crazy, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been busy.  I plan on (hopefully) utilizing this blog more and posting a lot more and as often as possible with whatever projects, big or small, that I'm working on.  My most recent project is a shoot I did for my cousin Ryan and her husband, Charles's, baby, Jackson (or Jax, for short).  I did several different sets consisting of different family members with the baby, as well as baby Jackson by himself.  Here are some of the first photos that I've edited from that shoot; they are of Charles and baby Jackson, and are some of the favorites from that set.  I'll be posting more sets this week as I continue editing.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Portfolio

Here is my final portfolio that I spent the semester shooting for my Adv. Digital photography class.  It's a total of 20 images, plus my artist's statement.  Enjoy!

"I've always found that I do all of my best thinking around water; whether it be standing around in the shower and pondering my future, or sitting on a bench by a lake or stream.  The fluidity, varying motions and forms, and reflections on water have always left me entranced and at ease in a way that I have yet to find in anything else.  For this project, I wanted to explore that entrancement and dreamlike state that I enter when I look at the water's surface.  In order to do that, I chose to abstract my images in a way that attempts to leave my audience wondering what exactly their looking at while still being able to easily decipher it.  This approach will then, hopefully, lead the audience to get lost in these images and will perpetuate the same sort of feelings and emotions that are reminiscent of a dreamlike state.

This series was shot with a Canon Rebel XT, fitted with an 28-105mm lens, using only natural light and without any interference or staging on my part.  All post-production editing was done with Adobe Photoshop, and were printed on 11x14 Arista II Luster Inkjet paper using an Epson 2880 Inkjet printer."

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011


So, this past weekend I took some headshots for my friend, Alison Manning, and her friend, Kaylee Lohr, who just left today for an audition for the Pussycat Dolls.  Here are some images from the shoot, as well as a composite that I put together for each of them.

Alison Manning

Kaylee Lohr

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

Favors for Friends

So, I recently shot some photos for one of my best friends, Jacy Ring, and her friend, Sean McMasters, who are having their junior recital this coming weekend.  They need posters to advertise around their campus and asked if I could help.  Here are the posters that made the cut.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

*Please note:  I am, by no stretch of the mind, any kind of poster maker/designer.  I am not savvy in such things.  Nonetheless, Jacy and Sean assured me that they liked these, so I hope you like them too.*

Portfolio Progression

Here's three more images for my Adv. Digital Photography Portfolio.

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Series Formerly Known As "Reflections"

Here's an update on my series for my Adv. Digital Photography Class.  As the title of this post suggests, I'm working on renaming the series.  After thinking about it and getting some feedback from my peers, I decided that it just isn't right anymore.  Anyway, here are five new photos that were due this week.  There's plenty more still to come, so stay posted!

© Tyler Jackson Photography 2011